Monday, March 3, 2008

Where's the penguin?


I was really expecting to see the penguin picture that they place on the different blog pages that we have to choose from here. He was a sturdy looking fellow, and named John Doe none the less. Perhaps his name should have been John Doe Penguin, giving a nod to Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

I find it amazing that most if not all animals share the same last name. And that name usually has something to do with the type of animal they are. If that practice extended to people then we would have names like Mary Human, or Howard Homosapien. Thank goodness we aren’t animals.

Ummmm…never mind

As you may have noticed, this is my blog. I am going to blog here. If you are inclined to read blogs, you might want to visit here from time to time and read my blogs.

There are many blogs to choose from, and we at the “Who—but who isn’t” Blog appreciate you choosing our blog for your blog reading needs.

Nothing special to report. Since this is kind of new to me it may take me a bit to become accustomed to doing this. I have attempted to keep a journal, but my attempt has turned out to be quite feeble.

Writing can be very good for you, or so I am told. So, I will try and make this a bit more of a priority. If it turns out that people are reading, I may become obsessively active at blogging. If not, then you may be treated to bouts of sobbing and self degrading tantrums. We shall see.

If you want to know anything about it, it shall be posted in my profile soon. If you have any questions or comments, don’t be shy, hit the button. Later…



RiverPoet said...

I never even knew about the penguin! I didn't do the sampling of the template when I started up, so I never saw the penguin. Must be like a little Easter egg built into the dashboard :-)

So glad to see that you're blogging, dear. Welcome to my alternate universe muwahahahhaahahahaaaaa!

Peace out - D

Not Afraid to Use It said...

Take your time, find your groove! Blogging should be fun and not a chore! With a name like Highlander I am SURE I will be reading here often. Maybe I should post the picture of the year I went to a Halloween party as a Watcher. Shhhhhhhhh...