Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mr P... congratulations, it's a girl

I am a father.  

This isn't anything new mind you.  My daughter was born 24 years ago, and my son was born 20 years ago.  So I actually have a history as far as parenting goes.  But, from time to time, your children have a way of reminding you that you have donated DNA and added to the population. And this is not always a good thing.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my kids.  When I am gone, they will cry over me, put me in a box, slide me into a fire, and throw my ashes into the air like confetti.  Well, if they have been listening to me all these years they will.  And if they ever have children, they will tell those kids how crazy I was, and how I used to retell the same stories from the Marines, and how everyone mistook me for their brother instead of their father.

But...and this but could be the one where my kids have a tendency to cause the most pain, there are times when I would like to forget that I am a father for a while.  It seems that no matter their age, they seem to want to bring their problems to you and share them.  And not just share them, but give them to you like a gift.

My aunt and uncle had a dog that would go out and catch rabbits and bring them home as gifts. I remember seeing one of them with it's leg bone hanging out.  The dog was so happy, tail wagging, tongue hanging out with a hound grin on his face.  My kids bring me a rabbit every now and then.  And they expect me to skin it and cook it.

It doesn't help the rabbit any.  And I don't mind skinning and cooking a rabbit.  But if you keep bringing me rabbits, I am going to get tired of rabbit after a time.  And you won't like me very much when I a tired of rabbit.

So, if I could say anything to the young people out there, and my kids in particular, please, learn to clean your own rabbit.  It might taste better if you clean it yourself, and it might give you a feeling of accomplishment if you do.

By the way, I like rabbit.  We used to have it every week in Okinowa and I looked forward to those days.  I stood guard in an ammo dump in NC for a few months.  We carried shotguns, and there were always rabbits about.  Damn if it wasn't tempting to load up and take a shot.  But I had a job to do, and I was dedicated to the mission...LOL.  Sorry, couldn't hold that in.

Take care all...P


RiverPoet said...

Beautifully written, my dear. I, too, am tired of cleaning rabbit, and it seems to me that lately we are getting larger and meaner rabbits - jackrabbits, wild hares, the rabid sorts.

Maybe next week we'll have squirrel.

Love - D

The Suburban Shaman said...

So good to see you in this electronic place Old "Fair Haired Fighter". I miss you much.