Friday, March 14, 2008

Animals are awesome!!!

I had to put this up.

If any of you have ever been around an English bulldog then you probably know the two most obvious things about them.

1.  They are great, lovable dogs
2.  They create gas to rival a herd of cattle

My wife was just sitting in the recliner with Bodhi, our 8 month old bulldog puppy, and Gizmo, our daughters cat.  Both the dog and the cat were napping.  Bodhi cut an SBD (Silent But Deadly) that threatened to take the paint off the walls.

The cat woke up and looked around.  She looked very concerned about the air quality in the room, but couldn't figure out what was going on.  In a last ditch effort to determine the source of the methane, she lifted her own leg and sniffed her own ass.  After confirming that she was not the originator, she looked at the dog and jumped off the chair.  

We all laughed so hard we woke the poor dog up.  He doesn't know the power he wields.



RiverPoet said...

Yep, that was a rare moment. The poor cat looked like someone smelling their own armpit to see if the smell is coming from them. with animals.


Gracey said...
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aims said...

I'm still laughing! What a wonderful little post that says it all!

We do not have a dog. But my cat likes to cuddle up under my legs while I am in bed reading at night.

Sometimes - blush - I let her have it. You can see her gasping as she worms her way out from under the blanket and finds fresh air!

I think they are funnier because they can't talk. Their looks do indeed say it all!

Sandy said...

I can't remember when I've laughed so hard! ROTFIHL!!!! (rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter)

highlander1463 said...

Sandy - Thanks for reliving history with me.
