Thursday, May 1, 2008


Someone seems to think that I don't post enough. So guess what happened to me.

I guess this is a blog thing, because I have never heard of it before. It is called a meme, or is that supposed to be a me-me, and you are supposed to answer everything with one word.

I am not fond of things that probe you for personal information. I don’t have anything to hide, but I tend to be a private person. That being said, I have a tendency to whine uncontrollably when prompted. (you have been warned) Maybe that is why my wife sent me something that requires one word answers.

Here goes…enjoy.

1. Where is your mobile phone? connection
2. Your significant other? home
3. Your hair? long
4. Your mother? drama
5. Your father? memory
6. Your favorite thing? future
7. Your dream last night? nothing
8. Your favorite drink? scotch
9. Your dream/goal? education
10. The room you’re in? cage
11. Your ex? who?
12. Your fear? money
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? moon
14. Where were you last night? billiards
15. What you’re not? sane
16. Muffins? coffee?
17. One of your wish list items? flying
18. Where you grew up? everywhere
19. The last thing you did? sigh
20. What are you wearing? jeans
21. Your TV? information
22. Your pets? spoiled
23. Your computer? slow
24. Your life? lacking
25. Your mood? lost
26. Missing someone? reload
27. Your car? thirsty
28. Something you’re not wearing? gauntlets
29. Favorite Store? Borders
30. Your summer? hopeful
31. Like someone? nope
32. Your favorite color? green
33. When is the last time you laughed? Sunday
34. Last time you cried? Leo


1 comment:

RiverPoet said...

Awww, I cried more tears over Leo than over anything else that I can remember. Poor little guy.

Thanks for doing this...D